[Q 370] How to Purify Napaak Carpet


How can we clean (i.e make pure) a madrasa or masjid carpet if it becomes impure (Najis)?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الجواب بعون الملك الوهاب اللهم هداية الحق والصواب


If a carpet in a madrasa, masjid, or any place becomes impure (Najis), it will not be purified merely by drying or wiping it with a wet cloth. Rather to make it pure, the impure area must be washed, and the impurity must be removed.
Method 1: Hang the carpet and pour plenty of flowing water over it using a water pipe. When it is reasonably believed (Zann Ghalib) that the impurity has been removed, the carpet will be considered pure.
Method 2: Wash the impure area of the carpet and then hang it until water droplets stop dripping. Wash it in this manner three times. After the third wash, when the dripping stops, the carpet will be considered pure. It is not necessary for the carpet to be completely dry; the cessation of dripping is sufficient.
If the carpet is firmly glued to the ground and removing the entire carpet is difficult or could cause damage, the following methods may be used:
Option 1: Cut out only the impure portion of the carpet with a sharp tool, purify it, and then reattach it to the area.
Option 2: Use a powerful machine to clean the impure area by pouring water over it, then extracting the water with the machine. Ensure that the carpet is in a condition where it would not drip water even if hung. Repeat this process three times. After the third wash and extraction, the carpet will be considered pure.

Fatawa Alamgiri:

وما لا ینعصر یطهر بالغسل ثلاث مرات والتجفیف فی کل مرة؛ لأن للتجفیف أثرا فی استخراج النجاسة وحد التجفیف أن یخلیہ حتی ینقطع التقاطر ولا یشترط فیہ الیبس.

(Fatawa Alamgiri, Vol 1, Pg 42)

“Those things which do not have the capacity of being wrung out (e.g., mats, utensils, shoes) should be washed and left until water stops dripping. Wash two more times in the same manner. After the third wash, when the dripping stops, the item becomes pure. It is not necessary to dry the item after each wash.”

{Bahar-e-Shariat, Volume 1, Part 2, Page 399}

Answered by: Mubashir Attari (AskMufti Scholar)
Verified by: Mufti Sajid Attari
Translated answer
Date: 23rd November 2024

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