Do women also have to lift their wrists during Sajdah (prostration)? The Hadith that says not to prostrate like a dog sits, does it also entail women?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الجواب بعون الملك الوهاب اللهم هداية الحق والصواب
Women should not lift their wrists during Sajdah (prostration). Instead, it is Mustahab (recommended) for them to prostrate in a compact manner: that is, while prostrating, they are to lay their wrists on the ground, and have their arms touch their sides, their stomach touch their thighs, and their thighs touch their calves, and their calves touch the ground.
This is because Ahadith (Prophetic Narrations) describe this as the way for women to perform Sajdah, and it is more modest. Women should always choose that method that is the most veiling, especially in acts of worship.
Additionally, the Hadith mentioned in the question applies only to men and not to women. This is because the Hadith generally instructs not to lay down the wrists, whereas specifically for women, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم instructed them to prostrate in a compact manner, with parts of the body touching the ground, establishing that women are not included in this aforementioned, general command. The Hadith itself specifies that a woman’s way of Sajdah differs from that of a man.
It is narrated from Hadrat Yazid bin Abi Habib رضي الله تعالى عنه:
أن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم مر على امرأتين تصليان فقال: إذا سجدتما فضما بعض اللحم إلى الأرض فإن المرأة ليست في ذلك كالرجل
Translation: The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم passed by two women praying and said: When you do Sajdah, join some of your flesh to the ground, for in this matter, a woman is not like a man.
(Sunan al-Kubra by al-Bayhaqi, Vol. 3, Pg. 315, Cairo)
It is narrated from Sayyiduna Abdullah bin Umar رضي الله تعالى عنهما:
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم… وإذا سجدت ألصقت بطنها في فخذيها كأستر ما يكون لها، وإن الله تعالى ينظر إليها ويقول: يا ملائكتي أشهدكم أني قد غفرت لها
Translation: The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: When a woman does Sajdah, she is to attach her stomach to her thighs for that is the most veiling for her. Allah looks at her and says: O my angels, bear witness that I have forgiven her.
(Sunan al-Kubra by al-Bayhaqi, Vol. 4, Pg. 186, Cairo)
In Faidh al-Qadeer, it is stated under a Hadith:
“أما الأنثى فيسن لها الضم لأنه أستر لها”
Translation: For a woman, it is Sunnah to do Sajdah compactly because it is more veiling for her.
(Faidh al-Qadeer, Vol. 1, Pg 553, Egypt)
A’la Hadhrat Imam Ahmad Rida Khan رحمة اللہ عليه states: “It is known that out of all that which is permissible for a woman, selecting that which is the most veiling is always best, especially during prayer.”
(Fatawa Ridawiyyah, Vol. 6, Pg. 145, Raza Academy, Mumbai)
In Bahar-e-Shariat, it is stated:”A woman is to do Sajdah compactly, meaning her arms are to touch her sides, her stomach to touch her thighs, her thighs to touch her calves, and her calves to touch the ground.”
(Bahar-e-Shariat, Vol. 1, Part 3, Pg. 528, Maktabat-ul-Madina, Karachi)
The Hadith mentioned in the question is narrated in Sahih Muslim with the words:
“عن أنس قال: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: اعتدلوا في السجود، ولا يبسط أحدكم ذراعيه انبساط الكلب”
Translation: “Sayyiduna Anas رضي الله عنه reported: The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said: Be moderate in doing Sajdah, and none of you is to spread his arms like a dog.”
(Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2, Pg. 53, Turkey)
The method described in the Hadith is for men, not for women, as explained in Bada’i al-Sana’i under the Sunnah of Sajdah:
منها أن يعتدل في سجوده ولا يفترش ذراعيه لما روي عن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: اعتدلوا في السجود ولا يفترش أحدكم ذراعيه افتراش الكلب… وهذا في حق الرجل فأما المرأة فينبغي أن تفترش ذراعيها وتنخفض ولا تنتصب كانتصاب الرجل وتلزق بطنها بفخذيها لأن ذلك أستر لها
Translation: “Among the Sunnahs of Sajdah is being moderate in performing Sajdah and not spreading the arms due to the narration of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم: Be moderate in performing Sajdah and none of you is to spread his arms like a dog…
This is for men, but as for women, it is only proper for them to spread their arms, lower themselves, and not raise their body like men, and to attach their stomach to their thighs because it is more veiling for them.”
(Bada’i al-Sana’i, Vol. 1, Pg. 210, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut)
In Ashiat-ul-Lamaat, it is also mentioned under this Hadith: “This command is for men. For women, the ruling is that they should place their arms on the ground and join their sides to it, as this position is better and closer in veiling women.”
(Ashiat-ul-Lamaat, Vol. 2, Pg. 80, Lahore)
Mufti Ahmad Yar Khan Naeemi رحمة اللہ عليه states: “This command is for men. A woman will lay her elbows and attach her arms to her sides because it is more veiling.”
(Mirqat al-Masabih, Vol. 2, Pg. 44, Naeemi Book House, Gujarat)
Answered by: Mufti Sajid Attari
Translated answer
Date: 26th July 2024