[Q 371] Reconciliation Between Sin, Free Will, and Allah’s Will


We know that Allah has predestined everything that is going to happen in this world, and everything happens by the will of Allah.
When we do a good action, we thank Allah and acknowledge that it is from Him and that He has given us the ability to do so.
How do we reconcile this when we commit a sin? Do we have free will? Is our will under the will of Allah? What is the correct understanding regarding this subject?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الجواب بعون الملك الوهاب اللهم هداية الحق والصواب


Allah Almighty has destined good and bad according to His pre-eternal knowledge. He knows whatever was going to happen, and whatever action someone was going to do. He wrote it down as it was going to occur, but not in a way that compels anyone to act as it is written. Rather, He wrote down what people would do of their own choice.
An example inorder to better understand, consider Zaid, who knows his friend Bakr does not drink tea. Now, when Bakr is about to come to Zayd’s office, If Zayd writes on a piece of paper, “When Bakr is offered tea, he will refuse to drink it,” and later, when Bakr arrives and is offered tea, he indeed refuses to drink it.
So, from this example it can be understood that the writing of Zayd did not compel Bakr to refuse the tea. Instead, Bakr acted according to his own free will.
This is similar to the case of Taqdeer (destiny). Allah’s writing does not force anyone to act in a certain way. Each person performs their actions according to their own will and choice. However, since Allah already knows what each person will do, He has recorded it beforehand.
Understand the matter to this extent only. Avoid engaging in debates or overthinking this issue. If you understand it, fine; if not, simply have faith in it.

Answered by: Qazi Muteeb Attari (AskMufti Scholar)
Verified by: Mufti Sajid Attari
Translated answer
Date: 23rd November 2024

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