Someone has asked me if it is permissible for a man to wear silk that is not the main substance and is mixed with other materials; in this case, it’s a tie with a silk blend plus polyester.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الجواب بعون الملك الوهاب اللهم هداية الحق والصواب
1. For men, wearing pure silk (meaning silk produced by silkworms) or using it in similar ways is impermissible and sinful. However, other types of fabric are permissible, even if they are as soft and smooth as silk or have similar characteristics.
2. Today, the fabrics commonly referred to as “silk” is often not real silk produced from silkworms, using such fabric is permissible.
3. If a fabric is made from threads that combine real silk and other materials, then in this case, it seems that the ruling will be determine based on the predominant material. For instance, if a fabric consists of 51% silk and 49% polyester, it will be considered silk and thus impermissible for men. However, if it contains only 49% silk, it would not be considered silk and would be permissible.
It has been stated in a Hadith:
لا تلبسوا الحرير ولا الديباج، ولا تشربوا في آنية الذهب والفضة، ولا تأكلوا في صحافها، فإنها لهم في الدنيا ولنا في الآخرة
Translation: “Do not wear silk or brocade, and do not drink from gold and silver vessels, nor eat from their plates, for these are for them (the disbelievers) in this world and for us in the Hereafter.”
(Sahih Bukhari, Hadith No. 5426)
Another Hadith mentions:
إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أخذ حريرا، فجعله في يمينه، وأخذ ذهبا فجعله في شماله، ثم قال: «إن هذين حرام على ذكور أمتي»
Translation: “The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم took silk in his right hand and gold in his left, then said, ‘Indeed, these two are Haram for the males of my ummah.’
(Sunan un-Nasa’i, Hadith No. 5145)
In Fatawa al-Shami, it is stated:
“يحرم لبس الحرير ولو بحائل على المذهب الصحيح”
(Fatawa al-Shami, Volume 6, Page 351)
In another place it states:
أن التعليق يشبه اللبس، فحرم لذلك لما علم أن الشبهة في باب المحرمات ملحقة باليقين رملي. وفي الدر المنتقى: ولا تكره الصلاة على سجادة من الإبريسم، لأن الحرام هو اللبس أما الانتفاع بسائر الوجوه، فليس بحرام كما في صلاة الجواهر وأقره القهستاني وغيره
(Fatawa al-Shami, Volume 6, Page 354)
Sayyidi Imam Ahl us-Sunnah, Imam Ahmed Rida Khan رحمة الله عليه, explains:
“Some have mentioned that ‘silk’ in English refers to pure silk. Even if that is the case, the actual substance is what matters, not just the name. For example, ‘Raigh Mahi’ (a type of insect) is not a fish, and ‘German silver’ is not real silver. Therefore, fabrics made from materials like ‘ram baans’ or tree bark that are non-silk materials are permissible for men, no matter how soft and shiny they may be made through craftsmanship. However, if the material is pure silk or contains enough real silk, it would be impermissible. This can be determined by examining the fabric or consulting experts.”
(Fatawa Ridawiyyah, Volume 22, Page 192)
In Fatawa Alamgiri, it is stated:
وإذا كان الغالب على الدراهم الفضة فهي فضة، وإن كان الغالب على الدنانير الذهب فهي ذهب، وإن كان الغالب عليهما الغش فليسا في حكم الدراهم والدنانير وكانا في حكم العروض
(Fatawa Alamgiri, Volume 3, Page 219)
Mufti Muhammad Amjad Ali A’zami رحمة الله عليه writes:
“If silver or gold is alloyed with other metals but remains the predominant component, it will still be regarded as silver or gold.”
(Bahar-e-Shariat, Volume 2, Part 11, Page 828)
Answered by: Mubashir Attari (AskMufti Scholar)
Verified by: Mufti Sajid Attari
Translated answer
Date: 14th November 2024