[Q 345] Eating Halal Foods from Non-Muslim Restaurants


Is it permissible to eat Halal foods, such as vegetables and lentil, from non-Muslim restaurants that sell Haram food, such as alcohol and pork?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب بعون الملك الوهاب اللهم هداية الحق والصواب


In non-Muslim restaurants where Haram food and drinks, such as alcohol and pork, are sold, it is generally difficult to verify whether non-meat Halal foods, such as vegetables and lentils, are free from filthy or Haram ingredients, such as alcohol or pork, or not. The probability of contamination is always there.

Even though it is permissible to purchase and eat these Halal foods from such restaurants, it is better to avoid them. Scrupulousness (الاحتياط) dictates that one only eat from a restuarant in which there is no likelihood of such contamination.

If it is confirmed that a restaurant prepares Halal foods in a manner that ensures that they are free from filthy and Haram ingredients, such as having separate kitchens, utensils, and staff for Halal foods (as is the practice in some restaurants in India where vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods have separate kitchens, utensils, and staff), then it is permissible to buy and eat Halal foods there, like vegetables, without any dislike.

If it is confirmed that a Halal food has been contaminated with Haram; for instance, if one sees the contamination with their own eyes or receives reliable testimony of it, then that Halal food becomes Haram to eat.

Similarly, if it is known that a restaurant regularly mixes Haram ingredients in their Halal foods, then it is not permissible to even eat a Halal item from that restaurant.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The above rulings apply to non-meat Halal foods. It is not permissible to eat dishes made from Halal animals at non-Muslim restaurants.

In “Al-Ashbah wa Al-Naza’ir” it is mentioned:

إذا اختلط الحلال بالحرام في البلد، فإنه يجوز الشراء، والأخذ إلا أن تقوم دلالة على أنه من الحرام، كذا في الأصل.

(Al-Ashbah wa Al-Nazair, page 97, Dar al-Kitab al-Ilamiya)

Stated in the same book:

غلب على ظنه أن أكثر بيوعات أهل السوق لا تخلو عن الفساد فإن كان الغالب هو الحرام تنزه عن شرائه، ولكن مع هذا لو اشتراه يطيب له

(Al-Ashbah wa Al-Nazair, page 97, Dar al-Kitab al-Ilamiya)

In “Sharh Hamawi” it is stated:

قوله: ولكن مع هذا لو اشتراه يطيب له، ووجهه أن كون الغالب في السوق الحرام لا يستلزم كون المشترى حراما؛ لجواز كونه من الحلال المغلوب، والأصل الحل.

(Ghamz Oyun Al-Basair fi Sharh al-Asbah wa Nazair, Al-Fan Al-Awwal, Volume 1, Page 344, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilamiya)

In “Fath al-Qadir” it is mentioned:

وقال بعض المشايخ: تكره الصلاة في ثياب الفسقة لأنهم لا يتقون الخمور،قال المصنف: الأصح أنه لا يكره۔۔۔ بخلاف ما إذا ثبت بخبر موجب في التنجيس، ولا تجوز الصلاة في الديباج الذي ينسجه أهل فارس لأنه بلغنا أنهم يستعملون فيه البول ويزعمون أنه يزيد في بريقه.

(Fath al-Qadir, Vol 1, Part 221)

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan (عليه الرحمة) was asked about biscuits made together with impure ones. He replied that if the dough or yeast of the sweet biscuits is not mixed with impure ingredients, and it is confirmed that they are made separately and the utensils are thoroughly washed, then they are pure and permissible. However, if there is doubt, one should avoid them, especially if it is known that impure elements are mixed.

(Fatawa Razawiyya, Vol. 25, p. 98, Barkat-e-Raza, Porbandar)

Answered by: Mufti Sajid Attari

Translated answer

Date: 1st August 2024

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