Does getting an injection invalidate wudu?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الجواب بعون الملك الوهاب اللهم هداية الحق والصواب
The religious principle is that if a person loses so much blood from their body in such a amount that it starts flowing, and it is able to reach a place that is obligatory (Fardh) to wash in Wudhu or Ghusl (ritual bath), then that blood invalidates the Wudhu.
And if less than that amount comes out, for example it only oozed but does not flow, or it did flow but did not reach a place that is obligatory (Fardh) to wash in Wudhu or Ghusl, for example a spot burst inside the eye and the blood spread inside but did not come out, then the Wudhu would not become invalid.
In light of the aforementioned principle, the religious ruling is that the injection given in the vein draws blood from above first, which is in flowing amount. Therefore, getting an injection in the vein invalidates the Wudhu.
However, the injection given in the flesh usually does not draw so much blood that it equals to flowing amount. Hence getting an injection in the flesh does not invalidate the Wudhu, however if so much blood comes out that it equals flowing amount (as sometimes happens), in which case the Wudhu would become invalid.
It is stated in Fatawa Hindiyya:
اذا خرج من الجرح دم قلیل فمسحہ ثم خرج ایضا فمسحہ فان کان الدم بحال لوترک ماقد مسح منہ فسال انتقض وضوئہ وان کان لایسیل لا ینتقض وضوئہ
(Fatawa Hindiyya, The Book Of Purity, Volume 1, Page 11, Daar Al Fikr Beirut)
Answered by: Mufti Sajid Attari
Translated by: Shaheer Attari