[Q 148] Putting Name labels on Urine or Blood Samples


What do the religious scholars and jurists say about the following issue:

In laboratories, a container or bottle is used for urine tests, and a tube is used for blood tests. Sometimes, the patient is given a container or bottle for testing in which they provide urine. And at times, their blood is collected in a tube.

Then lab personnel write the name of the person undergoing the test on that same container or tube. The question arises about names that include sacred words, for example, “Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Abdullah,” etc.

What is the ruling if such names are written on the urine or blood containers? Is it disrespectful? Also, what method should be adopted to avoid this?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب بعون الملك الوهاب اللهم هداية الحق والصواب


Islamic way of life is entirely based on respect and honor. Our religion teaches us respect for sacred things, religious symbols, along with words and letters. The blessed Ahadith and Prophetic Seerah contain clear instructions in this regard.

The jurists of Islam have elucidated numerous instances where they not only emphasized the respect for the verses of the Qur’an and sacred names but also mandated the reverence of general words and letters. The disrespectful usage of something containing words or letters has also been prohibited. This comprehensive principle applies to all related matters.

In the light of this principle, it is highly disrespectful to write the name of the person undergoing a urine test, whether in Urdu or English, and especially if it includes the majestic name “Allah” or the sacred name “Muhammad”. Even an ordinary Muslim would consider it an extremely disrespectful act, so from a religious point of view, writing such names is strictly prohibited.

Due to negligence, there may be a lack of awareness of its sensitivity; otherwise, if one pays attention to it, he will realize that it is extremely reprehensible. Similarly, it is essential to avoid writing names on blood tubes as well, as it also involves disrespect. Blood, like urine, is impure.

Moreover, another potential issue arises when writing sacred names on containers or tubes, as these items may be disposed of in the trash after use, which is a separate condemnable act.

Solution: Advancements in technology are not hidden from any one. Today, barcodes are applied to everything. “Barcode Generators” are available in the market. To maintain a patient’s medical record, a barcode can be generated for the urine or blood container. Then, by scanning it, the complete identification of the patient can be obtained. There is no need to write names. A serial number can also be affixed to the container for computer or file records. In short, this disrespectful act can be avoided through many different means.

Regarding the items containing sacred words, the blessed method of our beloved Prophet ﷺ is mentioned by Imam Abu Dawood Suleiman bin Ash’ath Sajistani رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه. He said,

 عن أنس، قال : كان النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم إذا دخل الخلاء وضع خاتمہ

“Sayyiduna Anas رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنه reported: When the blessed Prophet ﷺ entered the toilet, he would remove his ring.”

(Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol. 1, p. 15, Dar Al-Resalah Al-Alamiyah, Beirut)

“This was because it said محمد رسول الله on that blessed ring.”

(Hashiya Tahtawi ala Maraqil Falah, pg 310, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyya, Beirut, Lebanon).

Allamah Ibn Abidin Shami رحمۃ اللہ علیہ writes:

 قدمنا قبيل باب المياه عن الفتح أنه تكره كتابة القرآن وأسماء الله تعالى على الدراهم والمحاريب والجدران وما يفرش، وما ذاك إلا لاحترامه، وخشية وطئه و نحوه مما فيه إهانة

(Rad Al-Muhtar with Durr Mukhtar, volume 05, The Book of Prayer, page 381, printed by Dar ul Sqafah wa Tiras, Damascus)

It is stated in fatawa Hindiya:

” إذا كتب اسم فرعون أو كتب أبو جهل على غرض يكره أن يرموا إليه؛ لأن لتلك الحروف حرمة “

(Al-Fatawa al Hindiya, Volume 05, Page 323, Published Quetta)

Imam Kamaluddin Ibn Hammam رحمۃ اللہ علیہ writes:

” فيحال علی المعهود ۔۔۔ حال قصد التعظیم “

(Fath Al-Qadir, volume 01, page 292, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Ilmiyya Press, Beirut)

May Allah Almighty grant us the ability to respect Islamic relics, religious symbols, along with words and letters.

Answered by: Darulifta Ahlesunnat 

Translated by: Moulana Bilal Sadiq Madani

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